How To Ace Your Writing Skills

Writing is often seen as the hardest key learning area. All sorts of things go through your head, and you start asking yourself: Where do I start? What do I write? Does it make sense? How do I write?

We hear these questions all the time when new students are asked to write an essay.

Before you begin writing, you need to have the fundamentals down first. Reading and comprehension are the first skills you need to master to be able to write effectively.

Most people underestimate what the power of reading for 30 minutes a day can do for them. Reading anything will further your skills, whether it be the newspaper, an online article or even a fiction book. Reading not only gives you an understanding of how to write, but it also expands your vocabulary allowing you to write a more proficient and extended response.

Once you’ve started reading more and you have a better understanding of how others write, now it’s time for the fun to begin! Modelled Responses. 

Let’s break down what a modelled response is:

A modelled response acts as your answer sheets for essays and short answer questions. They are responses that have been marked and checked by professionals and teachers and proven to be the ‘perfect’ answers. These help you to form your answers and assists you in ticking off the initial question; “What do I write?”

Model answers are hard to come by and no … your friend’s response doesn’t count as a model response. If you’re struggling to find model responses and just don’t know where to find them, speak to one of our accredited staff on where you can find these. At MarkitUp we have a range of model answers spanning from Primary School to Year 12 for questions from exams and quizzes for all levels.

  • Working on reading ✔️
  • Using model responses to gain an understanding of how and what to write✔️

The next step is to structure your response to make sure it is cohesive, well ordered and flows well. The structure ensures that different sections link together and progresses your story or argument – depending on what you are writing. Unstructured work will make your writing repetitive, and hard to understand.

So how do I structure my essay?

  1. A good place to start would be to focus on your ideas before you begin. If you have a clear understanding of what you want to write beforehand, you will be able to link your thoughts and organise your ideas as you begin to write.
  2. Draw up a quick plan of the ideas you would like to write about. This can be some dot-points or even a diagram just to refer back to when writing your essay. This can be really useful especially if you forget a point as you are writing.
  3. You’re now ready to begin your writing. Make sure you follow the order and structure of an essay, starting with an introduction moving along to your body paragraphs and then your conclusion.

Are you looking for a local tutoring centre that has in-depth masterclasses on structuring paragraphs and teaches students how to write efficiently?

We offer a range of classes over multiple days that help your children with English and Maths!

For more information on how we can help you utilise these tips contact us directly on 0433 790 782 for a free consultation!

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